On Continuity

Why is it so hard to keep up with something consistently? Supposedly journals, diaries and blogs are something for people to get their thighs out on the daily but nobody really does so with consistency.

For example: I started this blog when I began going to university, to post things I was doing and what I thought about them. And then I changed my major a few times and ended up not really doing much. Then I come back every so often to post about gore I can’t consistently make posts.

When I have thoughts, I keep them to myself and flesh out arguments in my head then forget about them because the conflict I was having I resolved by myself. Nobody really wants to know what’s going on with my mind.

On chatty co-workers

I have an older lady I work with. She talks. A lot. Constantly. And she’ll continue the same story ALL DAY. I’ll be doing something and she’ll come up to me and say “so anyway” and by then I’ve already forgotten the part of the story she already told me. WHY

That awkward moment when

You’re awful at keeping up with anything! Man, it’s been longer than forever since I’ve made a post and I told myself to treat this blog as a sort of journal but that didn’t last long at all.

I can’t even remember everything I’ve been doing since the last post? I think I switched majors, so I’m not doing art stuff anymore, not really anyway. I’m a photographic arts major now so that’s what I’ve been doing. Photoshop is not my friend.

I started tae kwon do this year! And I got my first injury last night siiiiigh but! It isn’t all that bad, my right leg went to pivot but my foot stayed where it was planted and my knee popped and then just PAIN. I’ve been icing it so there’s not a lot of swelling and I can walk! Won’t be doing a lot of  punching in class but I’m going back as soon as I can! 

Baby update but it’s an update! For me, cause why would anyone read this???

New semester!

So the spring 2015 semester just started, and my very smart and very bright self decided to ask my advisor to sign me up for as many hours as are available to me. Cue me face palming myself. I decided to take a dark room class, a curating class, speech, English research and composition, AND illustration 2. Color me super smart!

It probably wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have a job, which takes up valuable weekend homework time, but I DO have this irritant labeled work so I have no freaking idea how I’m going to keep up with all the homework! Hopefully it won’t be as horrible as my brain is telling me it will be BUT. The only thing I can do is just try!

Hopefully the semester goes well.


I’m not around much I guess. I really don’t do anything interesting enough to really want to write about it here and that makes me sad because I like to write. Writing is a thing that is soothing and helpfully repetitive, even when I don’t have a whole lot of anything to really say. But whatevs, maybe I’ll pick it up again and spew word vomit into the bowels of the Internet again. Because that’s the thing to do now?


I don’t know, there should be some sleep happening and the body is totally waiting for the sand man but my brain absolutely will not shut up! Make it stop!

Summer Class

It’s been a while since my last post huh? Not that it matters, since I did say this place was mostly somewhere for me to dump random word-vomit and rant posts.

There’s not a whole lot on my mind this time, surprisingly enough.

I took a summer course for the first time in my life this month, and it’s kind of exciting having to condense sixteen weeks into sixteen days (Mon-Thur). Except when your class is Media Writing and it involves needing to interview people for articles and there’s practically nobody on campus.

At least we have a very understanding professor who decided to cancel class today and let us conduct any interviews we were missing. And for hermits like me, who are painfully awkward turtles when speaking to strangers, it’s a bit of a blessing to get the motivation that let me just thrust myself into the activity.

As a great shock to me, I was able to actually complete 4 interviews without completely making a fool of myself, and I even think I have enough material to go over the minimum word requirement for each article.

There was only one thing one thing about my class that came as a complete shock to me, not that it changes anything since it’s one of the requirements for my chosen major, and that is that it’s essentially a news reporting class.

Absolutely not what I had in mind when I signed up for it. But when I think about it, it makes sense and I’m glad I’m taking it :3

I think that’s all I have today. Until the next bout of insanity hits anyway.

On Dreams

I don’t really dream a lot, at least not that I remember. But when I do remember my dreams, they’re always very detailed and feel like they’re really long. Even when I have more than one per night. I wonder if we dream in fast-forward or something? How does time even work in dreams? And how is it possible to remember so many details? Or does the mind fill things in afterwards?

It could be possible, I suppose, that we only dream fragments of things happening and then fill in different details to put the pieces together when we’re closer to waking up. Something. Bottom line: dreams make no sense! Especially when they’re super creepy D:

On Socks

I have a weird obsession with bright and colorful socks. And an even weirder penchant for not matching them. It makes me happy, knowing that my socks are happy with printed characters and wild colors, but only I know it. I’ve had the urge to mismatch shoes, but talk myself out of it since that would be a little too weird, even for me. Still want to do it though.

I also need to go out and buy more socks to add to my collection. Preferably in neon colors. Even better if they have cartoons/characters on them :3

On People

I really really hate people sometimes. I tweeted something today, and some random guy decided to attack me and call me racist because of what I said, which was that mc chris is the only white rapper I listen to. And it’s the truth! I’ve never liked rap, but I like mc chris. And then I discovered BIGBANG, and decided I love Korean rap, because it’s pretty. English (therefore white) rappers always rap about money, sex, drugs, guns, and who has a bigger dick. I don’t like that. mc chris raps about video games, video game characters, and other things I can relate to, so he’s the only one that appeals to me.

So my original tweet is STILL the absolute truth for myself! I’m not asking this guy to be the same as I, but I also don’t think I deserve to be attacked in such a manner, either. It’s not very polite to make someone feel like they have to validate a choice, and then belittle that validation. That’s shitty and degrading. Go find a new hobby.

On Sleep

I hate those nights when I can’t get any sleep whatsoever. Like tonight. It’s currently 4:17 a.m. and I’m super wide awake, even though I took two Benadryl at about 10:40 last night. All I seem to be earning myself is a sore body from lying in bed.

The Benadryl is making my limbs feel tired and heavy, but I just can’t seem to drift off! And it’s pissing me right the fuck off because it happens at least twice a month now, when it used to only happen once every few months. Why did I have to develop insomnia now, of all times?!?! UGH